Monday, January 18, 2010

My weekend.

I'm going to start this post with Friday night.

Friday night, we went to LFS Cinema to watch <大日子,woohoo>, starred by MY FM and Astro DJ & Celebrities. A high rating movie,full of laughters (and some said tears), meaningful story plot, and the most "outstanding" is the Malaysian Mandarin. A 1 and a half hour movie was almost 80% full seated by the Chinese.

After finished the movie, he sent me home, and he went home.The rain is too big.

Saturday. I finished working at 1pm, went to Perodua Service Centre after that. Took about 1 and a half hour to fix everything. Of course, he accompanied me as well. Went home, rest, had our dinner.

Saturday night, we went to Satok, see if we can grab some CNY clothes there. But, we left Satok with empty hands, good looking clothes are too expensive,not worth it.

What funny is this: I suggest that, I've never been to Satok open air, why don't we have it a try? He said ok. Sateh, sateh and sateh. Malay,Malay and Malay, this scene shocked us. Crowded with people, but with the one and only race,how dare we sit there and have food?So, we walked one round and CHAO!!

Back to Satok, thinking where are we going next.

Here we are, Jalan Song. He needed to exchange a broken DVD. After that, we went to have our supper. The Spring Roll and Sateh, mutton, chicken,and pork Sateh. We like the mutton and the pork sateh, but not the chicken sateh.We also ordered fresh coconut. We spend less than RM20.00, but we fulled like hell.It feels good.Hehe~~~

Sunday. We went out at noon. Our first destination was The Hills Sushi King, (for your information,we're given a RM5.00 cash voucher when we watched Alvin and the chipmunks some time ago.) We spent RM20.60, after rebated of RM5.00,we just needed to pay RM15.60.Cheap.

Next, we're heading to Riverside to see the Lion Dance which started at 1.30pm sharp. Here is the funny thing: From the uppper ground, the "Lion" used escalator to go down to lower ground. The drums and the setup were all standby at the lower ground. It took about 20 minutes for the lion dance show.

Just before the show finished, we met a friend, who is from KL and currently "outstation" at Kuching. We found a place to sit down and had some drinks. At the middle of our chit chat, came an old woman asked for "temple donation". Seeing the attitude of this old woman, i really what to say : what the fuck. She asked for a donation, my boyfriend said " we had donate at somewhere else.", and she said " you haven't know where my temple is,and blah blah blah...", she wanted to be caught by the police huh?? So annoying.

Some time later...We left Riverside and sent out friend to somewhere around Jalan Haji Taha, he went to find his friend for making a tattoo.

It was raining again, where to go..? We went to his house. Yes, my boyfriend's house.

Stay for a while, ate some biscuits where his brothers bought from China, we went home. Yes, my home.

Rest for a while, didn't have our dinner at home. We went to Premier 101, looking for a stall named Butcher's Deli or something, introduced by a local newspaper, highlighting their 8 inches hotdog burger. But the stall was closed. Sigh....

So, we simply had our dinner at Premier 101.

That was my weekend.

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